
schematics.validate.validate(cls, instance_or_dict, partial=False, strict=False, context=None)

Validate some untrusted data using a model. Trusted data can be passed in the context parameter.

  • cls – The model class to use as source for validation. If given an instance, will also run instance-level validators on the data.
  • instance_or_dict – A dict or dict-like structure for incoming data.
  • partial – Allow partial data to validate; useful for PATCH requests. Essentially drops the required=True arguments from field definitions. Default: False
  • strict – Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: False
  • context – A dict-like structure that may contain already validated data.

data data dict contains the valid raw_data plus the context data. If errors are found, they are raised as a ValidationError with a list of errors attached.


To learn more about how Validation is used, visit Using Validation