
Schematics models are the next form of structure above types. They are a collection of types in a class. When a Type is given a name inside a Model, it is called a field.

Simple Model

Let’s say we want to build a social network for weather. At its core, we’ll need a way to represent some temperature information and where that temperature was found.

import datetime
from schematics.models import Model
from schematics.types import StringType, DecimalType, DateTimeType

class WeatherReport(Model):
    city = StringType()
    temperature = DecimalType()
    taken_at = DateTimeType(

That’ll do. Let’s try using it.

>>> wr = WeatherReport({'city': 'NYC', 'temperature': 80})
>>> wr.temperature

And remember that DateTimeType we set a default callable for?

>>> wr.taken_at
datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 21, 13, 6, 38, 11883)

Model Configuration

Models offer a few configuration options. Options are attached in the form of a class.

class Whatever(Model):
    class Options:
        option = value

namespace is a namespace identifier that can be used with persistence layers.

class Whatever(Model):
    class Options:
        namespace = "whatever_bucket"

roles is a dictionary that stores whitelists and blacklists.

class Whatever(Model):
    class Options:
        roles = {
            'public': whitelist('some', 'fields'),
            'owner': blacklist('some', 'internal', 'stuff'),

serialize_when_none can be True or False. It’s behavior is explained here: Serialize When None.

class Whatever(Model):
    class Options:
        serialize_when_none = False

Model Mocking

Testing typically involves creating lots of fake (but plausible) objects. Good tests use random values so that multiple tests can run in parallel without overwriting each other. Great tests exercise many possible valid input values to make sure the code being tested can deal with various combinations.

Schematics models can help you write great tests by automatically generating mock objects. Starting with our WeatherReport model from earlier:

class WeatherReport(Model):
    city = StringType()
    temperature = DecimalType()
    taken_at = DateTimeType(

we can ask Schematic to generate a mock object with reasonable values:

>>> WeatherReport.get_mock_object().to_primitive()
{'city': u'zLmeEt7OAGOWI', 'temperature': u'8', 'taken_at': '2014-05-06T17:34:56.396280'}

If you’ve set a constraint on a field that the mock can’t satisfy - such as putting a max_length on a URL field so that it’s too small to hold a randomly-generated URL - then get_mock_object will raise a MockCreationError exception:

from schematics.types import URLType

class OverlyStrict(Model):
    url = URLType(max_length=11, required=True)

>>> OverlyStrict.get_mock_object()
schematics.exceptions.MockCreationError: url: This field is too short to hold the mock data

More Information

To learn more about Models, visit the Models API